Monday, March 07, 2011

Brock Osweiler - Twilight & Varsity Blues Mashup!

In a fortuitous turn of events, Robert Pattinson Brock Osweiler will now be the starting QB for the Arizona State Sun Devils. To that I say - YES! It's as if someone made a movie mashup of Twilight and Varsity Blues! I am not going to lie, I am so excited and September 1st can't get here fast enough. With the exit of my beloved Christian Ponder (CP7 what! what!) I am on the hunt for new QB crushes and Brock is at the top of my list for a few reasons: 1) Mr. Tall went to ASU so I am going to be watching the games anyway, I may as well have a favorite player, 2) Swoon - he's super cute and 6'8 (Yes, it does matter - it's been statistically proven that attractive QBs complete more passes. No, it hasn't but who cares - look at him!) and, 3) Let's face it Devils - you need someone who has some passion leading your team. Brock said, "We are going to blow the roof off this place and it's going to be a lot of fun." Do I hear the beginning tinglings of Thunderstruck in the background?

Now let's get out there and get some Pac 10 victories if for no other reason than to save Coach Erickson from drinking himself stupid on scotch. Oh Dennis, you have scotch face...again.

Photographic Evidence of Twilight/Varisty Blues Conspiracy:

Hello, Edward.

For more, I share with you Brock:

Dreaming of September...

1 comment:

Hello Kimmy said...

He is kind of dreamy. And yes, you're going to be watching the game anyway and you can't spend the whole game making fun of the weird names on the teams. HAHA (that was a hilarious night)

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